Fine Tuning


Why do we fight change so hard? Even when things are bad, we are reluctant to open our hands and let change happen. Part of my prayer everyday is “Your will Lord, not mine.” yet, do I practice that? I want to, but if I’m honest… not so much.

I find myself having a willing heart but my hands are clinging to anything that seems stable, even if it’s not the best for me, I still hold on.

I read a story this morning about a harpist tuning his harp. Kinda similar to the way God tunes us. God loves us with a huge love, but desires more and better for us. So we are tuned. It’s painful, when the key is turned and the string becomes tighter, but the sound it makes when played is purer.

So we hope that when our strings are struck, that the sound will be Christlikeness. This did not happen for me yesterday, and I am in anguish because I failed.

However, in my failing, I have examined and found that things are not as the always appear. The truth of the matter is if I will open my hands and let God take from me the things he wants to remove from my life, I will allow the tuning of my life.

The crazy thing about all this… If we allow this to happen, for God to tune us, the peace that follows is mind blowing.

So today, I choose to allow God to tune me for his song!



It continues to amaze me how blessed I am. It also amazes me that I forget and complain so easily. I lost someone very dear to my heart this week. It was a blessing for them because the cancer had taken all but 65 pounds. That’s no way to live, that’s just existing.

Why are you cast down, O my soul, and

why are you disquieted within me?

Hope in God; for I shall again praise him,

my help and my God. ~ Ps 42:11

Sometimes, that’s all we can do, Hope in God. Sometimes, it’s all we should be allowed to do. Because ‘we’ cannot fix it, so we might as well open our hands and stop holding on so damn tightly. God has this. He will make beauty out of our ashes, if we will but look up.

This is all part of the journey back to God. We have things we have to learn, things like true compassion, true friendship, empathy, turning the other cheek. You know, the hard stuff. Become humble! OMG that’s the hardest. People are proud of their pride.

I waited patiently for the Lord;

he inclined to me and heard my cry ~ Ps 40:1

Thanks for reading, oh, and be nice today to those around you. You never know how that action can bless someone.

Peace out


The story continues!

Come and listen to my story bout a man called Preacher man….


I can honestly say that in all the years we’ve moved this was the funniest by far. The crazy thing is we still aren’t done.

Let me back up, we closed on the 21st and started moving on the 25th. Yes, that’s right, you are looking at our Christmas tree, so to speak. We planned on getting the rest of our things out of storage this past weekend and this happened…


So, I really wish I could report that all is well and we are unpacking beautifully, but that isn’t the case. Also, starting tomorrow, we are having 3 trees taken down, IF the wind and storm on the way in doesn’t take them down first.

I can’t seem to get anything done except laundry and dishes, and that’s cuz I have machines to help me with that! Am I the only one that has a list as long as my arm and can’t get things marked off of it?

As I write, it’s 76 degrees. I went out and trimmed my rose bushes back because they are starting to bud. Also, on a real sad note, I think my lemon tree is dead. We had a cold snap and it got down to like 17. It’s just not looking like it’s going to make it. After the 5 moves that it lived through, it’s going to die cuz of a little cold snap!


I’m excited about the POTUS elect Donald Trump! I listened to him today and can’t remember the last time I was more proud to be an American! Very excited! It’s going to be Huge!!


This is my Bari twin sister from another mother! Lord, you can see my fillings! Another thing we have in common is our love of this…


Peace out!